Open Call : Asian TYA Network Creative Camp #1


Open Call : Asian TYA Network Creative Camp #1

JAN 2022 at Toyooka Japan

Online & Offline Participants Recruitment!

Asian TYA Network is proud to announce the first creative camp for our friends and fellow TYA Professionals from Southeast Asia and Japan! The camp is scheduled to take place in January 2022 at Kinosaki International Arts Center (KIAC) in Toyooka Japan.

We are currently recruiting both online and offline participants to join us coming Winter, especially to TYA professionals and adults who have deep interest in creative activities for children. For creative camp #1, the theme is #Encounter , if you are looking for opportunities to encounter, #experiment and #networking with us, JOIN US by filling in our online application form NOW!

Asian TYA Network Creative Camp #1

Date: 12-17 Jan 2022

Venue: 城崎国際アートセンター (KIAC)

Sign up here:

For more enquiries, send us a direct message or email us at

#AsianTYANetworkCreativeCamp #TheatreForYoungAudience #PerformanceArts